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"For our better future - Protection and Promotion of Children and Women's rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina", 2021-2023

Legislation ensuring respect for the rights of women and children in B&H was largely adopted as part of preparations for EU membership. Nevertheless, the promotion of gender equality and the rights of children and women is often neglected, and the measures taken in this area are insufficient.

That is why three organizations, Institute CircleMedica Zenica and Center for Education and Research - Nahla with financing of the European Union  and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia within international development cooperation started implementing the project called "For our better future". During the project, we will make women and children aware of their rights and train them to educate and promote their rights in communities and among their peers.

At the beginning of the project, groups of 20 women and 30 children will be formed, who will be trained to raise awareness about women's rights among women in local communities and about the rights of children in primary schools. Five women's or children's rights awareness sessions will be conducted for over 400 children and 200 women. In addition, two modules will be developed during the project - the first for women on women's rights and gender equality, and the second for children on children's rights.

In parallel, 4-day trainings in the field of women's and children's rights and gender-based violence will be held for 50 persons in charge. They will conclude the training by preparing their own initiatives to promote respect for the rights of women and children for their colleagues in the institutions where they are employed. The project will thus contribute to greater respect for human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina in general, and in particular it will contribute to respect for the rights of women and children. It will contribute to the elimination of gender-based violence in society and the strengthening of democratic practices at various levels.

Online module for women and children rights

"Protecting of the right to dignified ageing and dementia preventing",  2022-2024


The European Commission recognizes active and healthy aging as a major social challenge common to all European countries (UNFPA & HelpAge International, 2012). Dementia is one of the leading causes of disability and dependency among the elderly worldwide. Dementia does not only affect the elderly who suffer from this disease, but also has a physical, psychological, social and economic impact on their caregivers, families and society in general.


Institute Circle (Slovenia) and project partner NGO IMPULS (Montenegro) came together to protect the rights to dignified ageing and respond to the needs of elderly people with dementia in the north of Montenegro and the psychosocial needs of their caregivers. Associated partners also joined the project: Municipality of Plav, Municipality of Gusinje, Municipality of Nikšić, Center for Social Work for Nikšić, Plužine and Šavnik, Red Cross of Plav, Red Cross of Nikšić and Scouts of Prokletije. The project is financed by European Union, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro.

The project will provide a valuable contribution to other actors of civil society and local governance in shaping an affective response to the needs of elderly people with dementia or elderly people prone to dementia and the psychosocial needs of their caregivers and provided guidelines (which will be based on concrete experiences gained during the project) for the development of criteria and the selection of beneficiaries. The survey and mapping, the first of its kind in this area of Montenegro, will contribute to the collection of information, including statistical and research data, which will assist government structures in formulating and implementing policies in this area.

The project will provide a meeting platform for local government with the aim of contributing to the fight against stigma and social injustice of people with dementia and dementia-prone elderly people and their carers by operationalizing local plans for social inclusion and social services.

Through a 12-month public awareness campaign, various activities will address new audiences and inform the general public about the right to age with dignity, thereby reducing the stigma and prejudice associated with dementia.

Twenty-five volunteers will be trained and mentored - promoters of the rights to dignified aging in local communities, who will also provide psychosocial support to caregivers and families of elderly people prone to dementia, raise awareness of the rights of elderly people with dementia and their caregivers, and spread the necessary skills for providing psychosocial support (PSP) to caregivers and families of elderly persons with dementia or prone to dementia.


With project activities, we want to bring the world of elderly people with dementia and their caregivers closer to the decision-makers and to the broader and narrower social environment; we want them to understand and be aware of the problems and obstacles that these people face, and above all we want to spread awareness about their rights. In particular, we will highlight the awareness that each individual has the power and duty to bring about positive changes and that each individual can help respect the rights of everyone in society.

E-handbook for volunteers (Montenegro language)

Research and mapping of elderly persons prone to dementia and their caregivers (Montenegro language)

Leaflet for public (Montenegro language)

Leaflet for caregivers (Montenegro language)

Video: Dementia in Montenegro (Montenegro language)

Video (short version): Dementia in Montenegro (Montenegro language)


Human rights

All Hands In
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