The cultural project Sedef has been successfully implemented at Institute Circle for several years. The project is partially financed by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD RS) and includes the activities of musicians and composers Šemsudin Džopa and Tilen Stepišnik, which relate to the creation, re-creation, performance and teaching of music that draws its inspiration from the wider Balkan traditional tradition. Together with musicians, we perform many concerts, educational and production activities. In 2022, the fourth album of the guitar duo Aritmija, consisting of Džopa and Stepišnik, was released. The album marks the twentieth anniversary of their collaboration and bears the symbolic title "20". It was recorded by producer and musician Dejan Lapanja in spring at the City Museum of Ljubljana. You can watch videos of songs from the album on the links below:
The multi-year international collaboration of the Aritmija duo with Indian musicians was also created in the project.
Project "KulturMEN"
Project "KulturMEN" is aimed at strengthening the employment opportunities of ethnic groups and immigrants in the field of cultural project management. The key result of the project is a prepared methodology for training and an e-learning module in the field of cultural project management for members of ethnic groups and immigrants, as well as a trained group of employees in cultural institutions. Members of ethnic groups and immigrants who are cultural creators have cultural knowledge but lack the skills to market their knowledge. With the practical knowledge they acquire through the project, they are able to implement ideas and thus increase their employment opportunities in the field of culture. They acquire organizational skills that enable them to independently organize various cultural events and optimally organize work processes, with entrepreneurial competences they learn techniques for creating and implementing ideas as well as strategic and financial planning, they are able to independently carry out promotional campaigns and manage copyrights on cultural works, they acquire application, administration and project management skills in the field of culture.
The project "KulturMEN": Establishing and strengthening the permanent employment of ethnic groups and immigrants in culture" was selected at the "Public tender for the selection of development projects to increase the employability of vulnerable social groups in the field of culture and support their social inclusion within the framework of the European Social fund in 2013-2014". The project is partially financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, within the framework of the Operational Program for the Development of Human Resources for the period 2007-2013, development priority "Equality of opportunities and promotion of social inclusion", priority direction "Increasing the employability of vulnerable social groups in the field of culture and support for their social inclusion".
Handbook for managers in culture
Publication of the book "My Way"
The author of the book, Admira Robin, is a long-time volunteer and the head of the former unit of Institute Circle in Velenje, a disabled woman, a newcomer, a strong and energetic woman who does not let her disability block her way to achieving her goals, personal development and the desire to live a full life. The author emphasises the need for cultural and linguistic integration and acceptance of the culture of Slovenia and also wants to motivate people from vulnerable groups that volunteering is an added value for the individual.
With the publication of the book by support of the Municipality of Velenje, the Institute Circle wanted to promote solidarity and to present volunteering as a way of social, cultural and linguistic integration of a wide range of vulnerable social groups and a concrete measure for social activation, especially of the unemployed. Volunteering is important for vulnerable individuals to affirm their own abilities, to strengthen their sense of self-worth, to maintain and expand their social network. Everyone, regardless of their current life situation, can help to the best of their ability and thus do an important job. It is important that everyone is accepted equally, has the same opportunities, is valued and respected.
