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Writer's picture: Zavod KrogZavod Krog

Within the framework of the project "Education and economic empowerment of vulnerable groups of women and girls in Montenegro - EKOS", which is financed by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, and implemented by Zavod KROG from Slovenia in partnership with NGO IMPULS and NGO IKRE Rožaje from Montenegro, a study visit was organized in September for the participants from Rožaj, who were trained in the cultivation and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants.

The participants of the training for planting and growing medicinal and aromatic plants visited the companies "Flores" from Mojkovac and "Hodes" in Rožaj. The purpose of the study visit to the mentioned companies was to familiarize the training participants with the cultivation, processing and purchase of medicinal and aromatic plants.

On this occasion, the owner of the company "Flores", Veselin Vučinić, generously guided the participants through his plant and explained in detail the processes of processing, storage and distribution of medicinal and aromatic plants, while also presenting the challenges he encountered in his thirty years of work .

The participants had the opportunity to hear about the operation of the market, where they were mainly interested in the possibility of selling plants at home and abroad as a sustainable model in this activity, which clearly showed their commitment to the evaluation of acquired knowledge and skills. In addition to contributing to the education, the visit to the company "Flores" also motivated the participants, as the owner of the company, Veselin Vučinić, expressed interest in purchasing their products in the future.

The possibility of future cooperation was also offered by Elvir Klica, the owner of the company "Hodesa" from Rožaj, who at the same time presented the participants with the processing equipment that his company has, the method of operation and the state of the market in previous years and now.

According to trainer Ali Kalač, the visit to these companies can be considered motivating and, above all, very informative for the training participants.

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