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Areas of operation

Connecting and building a future with solidarity and sustainability


Institute Circle works in various fields that are key to creating a just, inclusive and sustainable society. Our efforts include:

  • Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms - we promote equality, tolerance and respect for the dignity of every individual.

  • Humanitarian work - we help people in need and work to improve the lives of the most vulnerable.

  • Volunteering - we involve individuals in activities that contribute to positive change in society.

  • Social security and equality - we support efforts to reduce social inequalities and improve social inclusion.

  • International development cooperation - we work on projects that bring long-term benefits to local communities around the world.

  • Intergenerational cooperation - we promote links between generations for the common good.

  • Health and healthy lifestyles - we support activities to help people live healthier lives and feel better.

  • Fight against poverty, social exclusion and discrimination - we work for equal opportunities for all.

  • Environmental protection and sustainable development - we integrate environmentally friendly practices to preserve the planet for future generations.


Institute Circle is a partner Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and implements international development cooperation and humanitarian aid on the ground.


Institute Circle implements projects in Slovenia, South-Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Together with local communities, we build a better future based on solidarity, sustainability and humanity.

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Be kind and generous with no expectation of reward and make peace with the fact that kindness will find its way back to you.

Princess Diana

Let's do a charity work today!

Institute Circle finances its socially responsible projects exclusively through grants and calls for proposals. Our work is only possible with the selfless support of conscious individuals and companies who understand the importance of solidarity and responsibility towards the community. With your help, we implement projects that directly improve the lives of the most vulnerable. Together, we can contribute to a more just and inclusive world.

Donate 1 % of your income tax
(Valid only for Slovenia)

By waiving 1% of income tax, you enable the implementation of humanitarian programs.You can get the income tax waiver form here.

You can also submit an application for allocating part of the income tax via e-Taxes.

On the right-hand side there is  the tab "Purpose of part of income tax" and enter the tax number of Circle Institute 50084194 and confirm with "Submit application". 


Secure financial transfer

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Donation by legal entities (Valid only for Slovenia)

Article 59 of the Corporate Income Tax Act ZDDPO-2 (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 117/2006 et seq.) recognizes the expenses of legal entities for humanitarian purposes as an expense, namely in the amount of 1% of the taxable income. You can find the donor agreement here.

Donation by natural persons

According to your capabilities, you can donate to Account no. SI56 6000 0000 1083 367, purpose: donation.

Banks that are exempt from commission throughout the year are:

  • Sberbank

  • Unicredit

  • NLB

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